file transfer protocol
File Transfer Protocol
file transfer protocol
File Transfer Protocol
file transfer protocol
file transfer protocol, n:
file transfer protocol
ftp \ftp\, FTP \FTP\([e^]f`t[=e]*p[=e]"), n. [acronym from File
Transfer Protocol.] (Computers)
An acronym for file transfer protocol, a standardized
protocol used to allow transmission of files between
computers; as, send me the file by ftp. It consists of a set
of coded signals which are transmitted between computers, and
which inform the receiving computer of the nature of a packet
of information to be transmitted, and inform the transmitting
computer when a packet has been successfully received.
[PJC] ftp
file transfer protocol
file transfer protocol
n 1: protocol that allows users to copy files between their
local system and any system they can reach on the network
[syn: file transfer protocol, FTP]
file transfer protocol
File Transfer Protocol

(FTP) A client-server protocol which allows a user on one
computer to transfer files to and from another computer over a
TCP/IP network. Also the client program the user executes
to transfer files. It is defined in STD 9, RFC 959.

See also anonymous FTP, FSP, TFTP.

Unix manual page: ftp(1).

podobné slovodefinícia
anonymous file transfer protocol
anonymous file transfer protocol
n 1: a common way to make software available; users are allowed
to log in as `guest' without a password and copy whatever
has been made available [syn: anonymous ftp, {anonymous
file transfer protocol}]
secure file transfer protocol
SSH File Transfer Protocol
Secure File Transfer Protocol

(SFTP) A version of File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) using an encrypted network connection provided by
Secure Shell (SSH), usually SSH 2.

The SFTP protocol allows for a range of operations on remote
files, making it more like a remote file system protocol.
SFTP clients can resume interrupted transfers, get directory
listings and remove remote files. SFTP has largely replaced
Secure Copy (SCP).

{IETF spec

ssh file transfer protocol
SSH File Transfer Protocol
Secure File Transfer Protocol

(SFTP) A version of File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) using an encrypted network connection provided by
Secure Shell (SSH), usually SSH 2.

The SFTP protocol allows for a range of operations on remote
files, making it more like a remote file system protocol.
SFTP clients can resume interrupted transfers, get directory
listings and remove remote files. SFTP has largely replaced
Secure Copy (SCP).

{IETF spec

trivial file transfer protocol
Trivial File Transfer Protocol

(TFTP) A simple file transfer protocol used for
down-loading boot code to diskless workstations.

TFTP is defined in RFC 1350.

[Details? Other uses? Relationship to FTP?]


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